Outer Hebrides Biological Recording  Outer Hebrides Biological Recording

Terms & Conditions

OHBR operates an open data policy and subject to certain safeguards the information we hold in our database on the flora, fauna, fungi and microbiota of the Outer Hebrides is made freely available to everyone, either through the NBN Atlas or on request.

We are the custodians of the biological records submitted to us and have a responsibility to protect the privacy and copyright of our data suppliers. The policy documents set out the terms and conditions with respect to how data is made available, how it can be used, and the use of the information provided on this website. They provide the framework for the agreement between biological recorders and the OHBR on the management and use of their records and our responsibility to protect their privacy and copyright.

marine habitat


We have over 82,000 records of plants, animals, fungi and microbiota from the islands of the Outer Hebrides in our database.
A treasure trove of biodiversity
